What Nest Does Best: A Parent's Three Favorite Nest Diapers Features

By Meghan Jenay

My fiancé AJ and I had our share of trying different brands of diapers and I am ecstatic to share with you all our newest discovery. For the past two weeks, we have been using Nest Diapers. These are plant-based diapers, made out of renewable materials.

When I first learned that diapers are one of the largest contributors to landfills I knew I had to make a change. Some will say, “Why not try cloth diapers then?” To be honest, I am just not there yet. I mean who am I kidding…I don’t know if I'll ever be there. Big kudos to my cloth diaper parents! Y’all are the real MVP’s. But every little bit helps, even if that means choosing a compostable diaper like Nest. 

Now back to these diapers. They are pretty AMAZING! Nest Diapers are a great choice for babies with sensitive skin. Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they are also free of harmful chemicals, lotions, perfumes, and known allergens.

Some of my favorite features thus far are:

  1. They are hands down the softest diapers I’ve used and that's due to the outer layer being made up of 100% plant-based fiber.

  2. They have the urine sensitive strip. Let’s be real, which parent doesn’t like this feature? I feel like I’m just getting the hang of looking at a diaper and knowing when it's wet from the shape of the diaper. For any new parents, I highly recommend getting diapers with the urine strip because it’s a great reference in knowing when a baby’s diaper is wet.

  3. We haven’t experienced a blowout or leakage yet. I can say one morning I woke up and part of the diaper was damp. Disclaimer: The diaper was on all night from 8 pm till 9 am. To say the least, the Nest Diaper definitely passed my leakage test!

*The diapers were gifted to me, however thoughts and opinions are my own.

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