Going Green Goals

By Meg Hardy

Many of you might have goals to go green in 2020 so I wanted to share my small steps in 2019 and what I plan to continue to do in 2020!

Nest Compostable Baby Diapers

Compostable Diapers

I am in love with Nest Diapers. I remember when my husband and I decided to take this step forward, his first concern was will they work as well. The answer is they work better than any diaper we've used before! Super absorbent, reduces the diaper rash and overall just cute and simple. While our switch is already great for the environment we want to really maximize our benefits in 2020. I am hoping to build a compost bin to use in our garden (we live in Georgia so good rich soil is definitely a scarcity)!

Shop For Nest Diapers With Your Reusable Tote Bag

Reusable Kitchen Supplies

Last year we switched to reusable straws, tried out reusable ziplocks and snack bags and focused on better ways to preserve food. This year I want to better commit to using my own bags at the store (I have had them in my car and always forget to bring them inside), look at ways to reduce food waste and potentially try to make our own flavored water.

Green Cleaning Products

Green Home

Last year we bought a Nest to keep an eye on our home temperature uses, we also have been trying to use "greener" chemicals in our home. This year I am hoping to switch to all eco-friendly home supplies, and would love to switch to eco friendly windows (this is a way stretch goal).

How are you trying to go green this year?!

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