The Truth About Disposable Diapers & What You Can Do

By Ashley Buckhoe

I am always looking for new ways to go green in our household. One of the biggest things we can change as moms are the type of diapers we use for our babies. Did you know an average of 20 billion disposable diapers are dumped in landfills each year, accounting for more than 3.5 million tons of waste? How about that is takes 500 YEARS for a diaper to decompose?

That is INSANE to me…

I’m so thankful I recently came across Nest Diapers. They believe that you have the right to know what goes into the products you use. They clearly list ALL their ingredients, the ingredients function, and their environmental summary on their website. How cool is that?

Nest Diapers are made with plant-based materials such as wood, bamboo, and cane. They are free of harmful chemicals & known allergens, compostable, and hypoallergenic!

We are loving these diapers, not only because they are healthy for our planet, but because they are healthy for my kids too. Both of my children have sensitive skin, so because these diapers are safe from harmful ingredients, I don’t have to worry about chronic diaper rashes anymore.

Let’s make this change together for our planet and for our children!

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